I’m trying this again hoping i can attract interest this time. So if you are interested, note me or comment.
(Please reblog if you think you know people who would be interested)
Unless the workload is too much for what is being charged, these are the prices for the time being.
A simple sketch will be 5$
Linart will be 10%
Linart + simple coloring, 15$
And a refined piece will be 25%
Full bodied pictures will be 5 additional dollars onto whichever section you Choose.
And the background will be something simple.

For pixel art however-
i have no fixed price, as what i do with it varies drastically, so if you are interested in it now, prices can vary greatly with what is being asked, and obviously, a gif will cost much more than a still single framed image.
So if you are interested in that for an icon, profile pic, gif, etc, contact me.
If movement is it involved, then it should be simple or minor.

For more examples of my pixel art, you can view my gallery, My more recent art at the time of posting this has been pixel art
If you find anything interesting, dont hesitate to message me with any questions